Ahad, 30 Ogos 2009

landscape hunt (Shangrila's Tanjung Aru Resort)

Salam satu Malaysia, outing kali ni, sya and ijal pegi Shangrila's Tanjung Aru Resort. Hari tu puasa yg ke berapa sya tak ingat, tp hari tu agak cerah pada waktu pagi dan mendung di waktu petang. Yg best nya, bukan mendung mau hujan, tp pasal awan cover matahari...jd ini agak perfect bagi pencahayaan (bagi sya la), since awan tu spreadkan cahaya matahari tu supaya light tak direct landing d subject, which is sya tak minat mcm tu. Dan oleh kerana subject petang tu ialah landscape, so cahaya tu agak baik tuk potray suasana yg agak sejuk.
Ijal called norman yg masih ada kelas time tu d UMS with mazlan. Yg baik/ bestnya dorg dpt join kmi tuk outing kali ni. Malangnya bagi norman dia terlupa bwa memory card dia d rumah, so no picture for him la that day (at least for his camera, he can always use mazlan's and he did).

ijal dan sya came accross beberapa landscape menarik tuk outdoor wedding and kmi brainstorm on d spot, on how the couple should be posing in a particular area of the landscape. This is cruscial as it would make our job lil bit senang when it comes to the real thing nnt. Berbekal kan buku wedding yg kmi beli, sya byk merujuk pada buku tu tuk dptkan angel shoot yg sesuai tuk couple nnt. oleh kerana kmi tak bwa model petang tu, so sya just ambi gmbar as if couple mmg ada d kawasan landscape yg kmi shot tu. So imagination is very important whens it comes to this extent.

Mazlan was lil bit frustrated pasal teda subject yg bleh dia ambi since dia mcm mau ambi secara candid and natural moment petang tu, so sya offer jadi model bidan terjun of the day and take couples of pictures d kerusi rehat yg byk disedikan di sana. wah i was hungry plus tired, bila baring d kerusi tu mcm mau landing trus ni...nasib sungkai is arround the corner ja lagi, plus mee bandung nyum nyum, tahan je la.
so the next outing, we will be going to kinarut. Theres a place that ijal said would be suitable for a malay couple outdoor picture. So enjoy the picture yg ada sekarang and wait for the next pictures of us outing. Salam Merdeka pada seluruh rakyat Malaysia, One Malaysia we support..yeahhh..